WHAT: House Fire
WHEN: January 5, 2022 at 12:22 p.m.
WHERE: 4800 block of Hummingbird St. 77035
INJURIES: No reported injuries.
PROPERTY SAVED: $785 thousand in estimated property saved.
DAMAGE: $100 thousand in estimated damage.
CAUSE: Unintentional
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Firefighters arrived on scene within six minutes to find fire coming from the sides of a house. They made an attack on the fire ventilated the home. A primary search was completed, and crews extinguished the fire which involved a fence, exterior wall and inside the home. The fire was caused by ashes placed in an outside trash container on the side of the home the night prior by the homeowner who believed that they had cooled down. Firefighters from Stations 21, 59, 37, 48 and 24 responded to this incident.