Strip Center Fire in The Mid West Area

WHAT: Strip Center Fire

WHEN: July 5, 2022 at 3:25 p.m.

WHERE: 9402 Richmond, 77063

INJURIES: One firefighter injured hand, transported to the hospital.

PROPERTY SAVED: Not available.

DAMAGE: Not available.

CAUSE: Under investigation.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Firefighters arrived on scene within three minutes to find smoke coming from a 1-story strip center. Crews entered the front of the business involved, a vacant bar and grill, to locate the fire as others went to the rooftop. The rooftop began to sag, and crews pulled out of the building to protect a nearby exposure. One firefighter suffered an injury to her hand and was transported to the hospital. Rehab responded to the scene and the fire was controlled. HFD Arson investigators were requested to determine the cause and origin. Firefighters from Stations 28, 10, 60, 69, 83, 51 and Rehab 8 responded to this incident.