The Houston Public Library has worked hard to ensure that library services are accessible in most neighborhoods across the city. The services, programs, and resources available at our libraries include free access to WiFi and computers, after school zones, homework help one on one assistance with filling out applications and forms, a wide selection of family friendly activities, books, ebooks, movies, games, classes, crafts and much, much more. Customers can access services online at houstonlibrary.org or on the HPL mobile app.
"The Houston Public Library is proud to join efforts across the city to help make HoUSton Strong!!!", states Dr. Rhea Brown Lawson, Director of Houston Public Library. Beginning Monday, September 25, 31 Houston Public Library locations will be open for service in the below locations. These locations will be open with extended hours till after the Thanksgiving holidays on Monday, November 27.
Central Library
Monday - Wednesday | 9 AM - 7 PM
Thursday LATE NIGHT! | 9 AM - 8 PM
Friday - Saturday | 10 AM - 5 PM
Carnegie Library
Monday - Wednesday | 9 AM - 7 PM
Thursday LATE NIGHT! | 9 AM - 8 PM
Friday - Saturday | 10 AM - 5 PM
HPL Express Libraries
Monday - Wednesday | 10 AM - 6PM
Thursday LATE NIGHT! | 12 PM - 8 PM
Friday - Saturday | 10 AM - 5 PM
- HPL Express Southwest
- HPL Express Frank
Discovery Green Express Library
Tuesday | 10 AM – 2 PM
Friday – Saturday | 10 AM – 5 PM
Special Collections
Tuesday - Wednesday | 10 AM - 6 PM
Thursday LATE NIGHT! | 12 PM - 8 PM
Friday - Saturday | 10 AM - 5 PM
- Clayton Library Center for Genealogical Research
- Houston Metropolitan Research Center (HMRC)
*The African American Library at the Gregory School will open at a later date. Please check houstonlibrary.org for updates.
Neighborhood Libraries
Monday - Wednesday | 10 AM - 6PM
Thursday LATE NIGHT! | 12 PM - 8 PM
Friday - Saturday | 10 AM - 5 PM
- Bracewell Neighborhood Library
- Collier Neighborhood Library
- Freed-Montrose Neighborhood Library
- Heights Neighborhood Library
- Henington-Alief Neigbhorhood Library
- HiIllendahl Neighborhood Library
- Johnson Neighborhood Library
- Jungman Neighborhood Library
- Looscan Neighboorhood Library
- Mancuso Neighborhood Library
- Melcher Neighborhood Library
- Moody Neighborhood Library
- Oak Forest Neighborhood Library
- Park Place Regional Library
- Pleasantville Neighborhood Library
- Ring Neighborhood Library
- Shepard-Acres Homes Neighborhood Library
- Smith Neighborhood Library
- Stanaker Neighborhood Library
- Tuttle Neighborhood Library
- Vinson Neighborhood Library
- Walter Neighborhood Library
- Young Neighborhood Library
Select locations will follow standard open hours: Fifth Ward and Stimley-Blue Ridge
Closed Locations
Several library locations incurred damage from the storm such as flooding and/or roof damage. These locations will be unable to open for the remainder of the year. Updates on the status of each location will be posted on houstonlibrary.org and on HPL social media channels at Facebook/houstonlibrary, Twitter/houstonlibrary and Instagram/houstonpubliclibrary. Customers are welcome to sign up to any of the library's newsletters to receive updates on each location.
- Flores Neighborhood Library
- Kendall Neighborhood Library
- Lakewood Neighborhood Library
- McGovern-Stella Link Neighborhood Library
- McCrane-Kashmere Neighborhood Library
- Meyer Neighborhood Library
Supporting HPL
The Houston Public Library Foundation (HPLF) and Friends of HPL are spearheading wonderful efforts to help make HPL better than ever in the next coming year. Donation questions are to be directed to HPLF. Volunteer and book donations or drives questions are to be directed to Friends of HPL.
Waiving Late Fees
Book due dates were extended to September 29 for books checked out pre-Hurricane Harvey. HPL is now waiving all late fees and fines till November 27, 2017 after the Thanksgiving holiday. HPL wants all Houstonians to be able to focus on recovering from this catastrophe and not have to worry over late fees or overdue books.