House Fire in The Greater Hobby Area

WHAT: House Fire.

WHEN: July 2, 2022 at 4:16 a.m.

WHERE: 8000 block of Botany Ln, 77075

INJURIES: No reported injuries.

PROPERTY SAVED: $235,000 in estimated property saved.

DAMAGE: $25,000 in estimated damage.

CAUSE: Failure of equipment or heat source.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Firefighters arrived on scene within two minutes to find smoke in a home and opened a wall to find a smoldering electrical fire. They extinguished it and cleared the debris from the home. There was no extension, and the crews turned the breakers off to the effected area. The resident was advised to have a certified electrician inspect and make repairs as soon as possible and before they returned to living in the home. Firefighter from Stations 61 and 26 responded to this incident.