HOUSTON – The Houston Health Department is expanding its efforts to address antibiotic resistance, one of the most urgent threats…
November 14, 2019 – Mayor Turner, Vice Mayor Pro-Tem Davis, and Houston’s Housing and Community Development Department (HCDD) joined community…
HOUSTON, Texas – Municipal Courts Week, a statewide awareness initiative, will commence in Houston November 4-8, 2019, with a week’s…
HOUSTON – Holiday seasons typically stir up anticipation of carefree and joyful family gatherings and social events, but festivities can…
HOUSTON – BARC, the City of Houston’s Animal Shelter and Adoptions Center, will be offering discounted $5 adoption fees on…
HOUSTON – Hundreds more Houston homes will be made lead safe thanks to a new grant awarded to the Houston Health Department.…
Municipal Courts Department Announces New Veterans Court HOUSTON, Texas – The City of Houston Municipal Courts Department announces a new…
HOUSTON – BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions released 87.5 percent of its dog and cat guests to human caretakers in…
HOUSTON – The Houston Health Department encourages everyone ages six months and older to protect themselves, their family and community…
HOUSTON — The Houston Health Department (HHD) will seek to lessen the burden that asthma places on the lives of about…