Building Fire in The East Little York / Homestead Area

WHAT: Building fire.

WHEN: November 10, 2023, at 7:49 a.m.

WHERE: 11625 Homestead Rd. 77016.

INJURIES: No reported injuries.

PROPERTY SAVED: $34,800 in estimated property saved.

DAMAGE: $85,000 in estimated damage.

CAUSE: Unintentional (electrical).

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Firefighters arrived on scene within four minutes to find a building on fire and made an offensive attack. They conducted a primary search and ventilated the structure. The utilities were controlled, and it was noted two breakers had tripped. The fire was extinguished with smoke and water damage throughout the building. 31 personnel were dispatched to this incident, including crews from Stations 34, 64, 32, 43 and 56.