Alcohol Awareness, Distracted Driving Month Celebrated at Municipal Courts

HOUSTON, Texas – The City of Houston Municipal Courts Department (MCD) will host the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Talk. Text. Crash. Simulator at the Herbert W. Gee Municipal Courthouse located in Downtown Houston on Thursday, April 18, 2019, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. in observance of April as both Alcohol Awareness and Distracted Driving Month. The public is invited to take advantage of this free educational program which will hopefully allow them to understand dwi in texas more.

I have taken part of the demonstration in the past and tried on the Fatal Vision goggles and I know the students and public will appreciate learning firsthand the dangers of texting while driving and how dangerous driving intoxicated could be,” stated the Honorable J. Elaine Marshall, Director and Presiding Judge of the Municipal Courts Department. Even though you can hire a car accident attorney to help you cover the cost of any damages you incur as a result of a crash, there is no justice to be found if the accident is fatal, so it’s vitally important to raise awareness of this issue.

The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Talk. Text. Crash. Simulator is a grant-funded program offered through the State Farm Insurance Company. The distracted driving simulator is specifically designed to give Texans a hands-on opportunity to experience the dangers of distracted driving, especially texting and driving. A driving simulator equipped with a steering wheel, gas pedal and brake will allow a person to simulate driving in a safe video game atmosphere. From a large video screen, participants view obstacles and hazards which simulate those that one might encounter while driving. The desired outcome is that users learn that texting and driving do not mix. Many already know that in the real world, this can have dire consequences, from getting points on their license (learn more here) to fatal crashes. It is hoped that experiencing this simulator will open the eyes of drivers so they will not take the risk.

The Houston Police Department Traffic Enforcement DWI Taskforce will attend the event. They will offer an opportunity to try on Fatal Vision© goggles, which duplicate the effect of alcohol on one?s vision and mimics alcohol impairment while the person remains safely onsite at the courthouse. Mothers Against Drunk Driving (M.A.D.D.), another public safety advocate, will also attend along with representatives from MCD?s Juvenile Case Manager Program. Students from Carl Wunsche Sr. High School will tour the courthouse and take part in the simulator demonstration.

The event takes place in the first-floor lobby of the Courthouse, located at 1400 Lubbock.

For more information about the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Talk. Text. Crash. Simulator, call (979)862-4658. For more information about the City of Houston Municipal Courts, visit our website at


Las Cortes Municipales Observan el Mes de Concientizaci?n de los Efectos del Alcohol y Distracci?n al Conducir

HOUSTON, Texas – El Departamento de las Cortes Municipales de la Ciudad de Houston ser? el anfitri?n del Simulador Habla, Texto, Choque, del Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, en la Corte Municipal Central, Herbert W. Gee, el Jueves, 18 de Abril de 2019 de 10:00 am a las 2:00pm, en conmemoraci?n del mes de Abril como el mes de Conciencia de Alcohol y tambien el Mes de Conducci?n Distra?do. El p?blico est? invitado a aprovechar este programa educativo gratuito.

“He tomado parte de la demostraci?n en el pasado y he probado las Gafas de Visi?n Fatal y s? que los estudiantes y el p?blico apreciar?n aprender de primera mano los peligros de los mensajes de texto mientras se conduce y que peligroso podr?a ser conducir intoxicado,” dijo J. Elaine Marshall, Directora y Juez Principal de las Cortes Municipales de la Ciudad de Houston.

El simulador de la Universidad de Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Habla, Texto, Choque, es un programa financiado por un subsidio ofrecido a trav?s de la compa??a de seguros State Farm Insurance Company. El simulador de conducci?n distra?do est? espec?ficamente dise?ado para dar a los Tejanos una oportunidad pr?ctica para experimentar los peligros de la conducci?n distra?da, especialmente los mensajes de texto y la conducci?n. El simulador de conducci?n equipado con un volante, un pedal de aceleraci?n y un freno permitir?n a una persona simular la conducci?n en una atm?sfera segura de videojuego. Desde una gran pantalla de v?deo, los participantes ven obst?culos y peligros que simulan lo que uno puede encontrar durante la conducci?n. El resultado deseado es que los usuarios aprendan que los mensajes de texto y la conducci?n no se mezclan.

La secci?n de Control de Tr?fico de DWI del Departamento de Policia de Houston, tambi?n asistir?n en el evento. Ofrecen una oportunidad para probar las gafas Visi?n Fatal©, que duplican el efecto del alcohol en la visi?n e imita el deterioro por alcohol, mientras la persona permanece segura en la Corte. Las Madres Contra Conducir Ebrio (M.A.D.D.), otro defensor de la seguridad p?blica, tambi?n asistir?n junto con los representantes del Programa Juvenile Case Manager de la Corte. Estudiantes de Carl Wunsche Senior High School recorrer?n el juzgado y tomar?n parte en el simulador de demostraci?n.

El evento tiene lugar en el vest?bulo del primer piso del edificio de las Cortes Municipales, ubicado en 1400 Lubbock.

Para m?s informaci?n sobre el Simulador, Habla, Texto, Choque, del Texas A&M AgriLife Extensi?n, llame al (979) 862-4658. Para m?s informaci?n sobre las Cortes Municipales de la Ciudad de Houston, visite nuestro sitio web al:
