Residential Detached Garage Fire in The Memorial Area

WHAT: Residential Detached Garage Fire.

WHEN: July 25, 2022 at 5:35 p.m.

WHERE: 12500 block of Vindon Dr. 77024.

INJURIES: No reported injuries.

PROPERTY SAVED: $920,000 in estimated property saved.

DAMAGE: $130,000 in estimated damage.

CAUSE: Unintentional (abandoned or discarded materials or products).

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Firefighters arrived on scene within six minutes to find a residential detached garage and walkway to the house on fire. They made an attack and forced entry into the home to check for fire extension, none was found. There were moderate smoke conditions in the attic. A fan was placed to remove the smoke and the utilities were secured. Rehab responded for the crews. The fire was controlled, and it was determined that coals from a barbeque had been removed from the pit and placed in a trash can in the area of where the fire appeared to have started and was the probable cause. Firefighters from Stations 5, 78, 49, 57, 69, 77, 31, 57, Rehab 17 and the Village Fire Department responded to this incident.