“I hope all Houstonians will express the will of the people on the need for the City to move ahead swiftly on the flood ordinance changes I have proposed. When adopted by City Council, the revised ordinances will make sure that new dwellings are built high enough to protect lives and property in the 'post-Harvey era' where the next epic rainfall may be right around the corner.
"We have had three '500-year floods' in the last 3 years. To continue as if nothing has changed is unrealistic and to delay action is irresponsible.
“I’m glad a joint City Council committee hearing today gave people a chance to express their views. In the end, the Council should enact the ordinances. It would be a serious mistake to not make significant changes that mitigate the risk of flooding."
“Council members have joined me in urging state and federal lawmakers to move urgently to provide the funding Houston needs to become more resilient and more flood resistant for when the waters rise again. We cannot make a convincing case without showing that we are moving urgently at the local level to find solutions for ourselves.
"The world is watching and now is the time for us to act."