Houston Health Department vaccinates 1,000th person against COVID-19 in their own home

The Houston Health Department vaccinated its 1,000th person against COVID-19 in the comfort of their own home Thursday.

The in-home vaccination program, launched in March by the department’s Harris County Area Agency on Aging, brings vaccine and qualified medical professions directly to homebound people in Harris County.

The 1,000th client is Clifford Faggans, a 70-year-old Black male who has mobility issues that require the use of a wheelchair. He, like other people served by the program, are homebound and unable to make it to a vaccination site.

Faggans received his first dose of the Moderna vaccine and has an appointment for his second dose to be administered in his home.

“I think the vaccine program is a very good thing and very helpful,” said Faggans. “I am an amputee, and when I need to get around to do anything, I need my scooter. So, when I was told that I could get my vaccine from this program in my home I thought it was great not having to travel and wait in the long lines.”

People ages 60 older are at increased risk of serious illness and death from COVID-19. As of October 22, 71% of COVID-19 deaths among Houstonians are people ages 60 and older.

“We saw the need in our community’s elderly, disabled, and veterans who are unable to drive to get a COVID-19 vaccine,” said Deborah Moore, assistant director of human services for the Houston Health Department. “We are excited Houstonians are taking advantage of the program and we will continue offering the service as long as there is a need especially with the recently-approved booster shots.”

Getting vaccinated prevents serious illness, hospitalization, and death; it also helps reduce the spread of COVID-19.

To qualify for the in-home vaccination program, a person must meet one of the following criteria:

  • 60-year-olds or older,
  • homebound patients,
  • disabled,
  • 79-year-olds or younger with health conditions.
  • veterans

The program offers Moderna and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine and provides first doses, second doses, additional doses, and booster shots.

The department also offers an in-home COVID-19 testing program for the same population

People may call 832-393-4301 to see if they qualify for the programs.