Houston City Council Approves Nov. Bond Election

August 17, 2022 -- Houston City Council today approved setting a November 8, 2022, election for voters to consider a $478 million bond proposal that prioritizes public safety and does not require an increase in property taxes.

The proposed authorization is needed to finance $194 million for existing projects in the FY2023 - 2027 Capital Improvement Plan passed by City Council on June 29, 2022.

Bond Election Percentages

The bond election will include:

  • $277 million for police and fire
  • 156 million for deferred maintenance
  • $60 million for inflationary costs
  • $45 million for a new BARC facility
  • $13 million for Park facilities

"I thank members of the City Council for approving the November 8, 2022, bond election. I am asking voters to support it because it will allow us to meet critical needs within the City of Houston without raising property taxes. Specifically, the bond allocation will fully fund projects currently included in the 2023 – 2027 Capital Improvement Plan," said Mayor Sylvester Turner. "These are critical projects located in every council district throughout the city. The bond allocation will also allow us to fund other priority projects, such as public safety, representing 60 percent of the total request. Additional priorities include deferred maintenance, parks, libraries, solid waste, and BARC. The Nov 2022 bond election is a pragmatic, forward-looking proposal that focuses on responsible investment for the long-term benefit of all Houstonians."