WHAT: House fire.
WHEN: January 27, 2024, at 1:38 p.m.
WHERE: 6500 Lewiston Ct. 77049.
INJURIES: No reported injuries.
PROPERTY SAVED: $290,000 in estimated property saved.
DAMAGE: $35,000 in estimated damage.
CAUSE: Unintentional (electrical failure, malfunction, other).
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Firefighters arrived on scene within seven minutes to find light smoke and fire coming from the roof of a 1-story house and made an offensive attack. They conducted a primary search and confirmed all occupants were safely out of the home. Crews extinguished the fire in the attic and determined the fire originated in the attic, finding melted wiring and charred ceiling joists. 31 personnel responded to this incident, including firefighters from Stations 44 and 45.