House Fire in The Clear Lake Area

WHAT: House fire.

WHEN: April 29, 2024, at 2:05 a.m.

WHERE: 15400 block of Bay Green Ct. 77059.

INJURIES: Two firefighters evaluated on scene.

PROPERTY SAVED: Not available.

DAMAGE: $90,000 in estimated damage.

CAUSE: Storm (lightning).

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Firefighters arrived on scene to find smoke coming from the opened garage doors of a 2-story house. The family was outside and stated everyone was accounted for. The crews made entrance and found the seat of the fire on the second floor. The utilities were secured, and they accessed the attic. The fire was found and controlled, and firefighters ensured all hotspots were fully extinguished. While conducting salvage and overhaul one firefighter was injured by falling sheetrock and another firefighter became dizzy. They were evaluated on scene and remained on duty. 32 personnel responded to this incident, including crews from Stations 23, 70, 71, 72, 93 and 94.