WHAT: Apartment fire.
WHEN: March 9, 2025, at 4:57 p.m.
WHERE: 3737 Hillcroft Ave. 77057.
INJURIES: No reported injuries.
PROPERTY SAVED: $100,000 in estimated property saved.
DAMAGE: $60,000 in estimated damage.
CAUSE: Unintentional (heat source too close to combustibles).
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Firefighters arrived on scene to find smoke coming from the third floor of an apartment building. They made an attack on the fire and ventilated the structure. A primary search was completed, and the utilities were secured. The Houston Police Department was requested for traffic control. Several additional HFD units were requested, and the fire was controlled within about 15 minutes. The American Red Cross was contacted to assist the residents. 45 personnel responded to this incident, including crews from Stations 2, 28, 68, 3, 51, 60, 10, 57 and Rescue 10.