House Fire in The Acres Home Area

WHAT: House fire.

WHEN: May 23, 2024, at 7:42 p.m.

WHERE: 800 block of Green Meadow Ln. 77091.

INJURIES: No reported injuries.

PROPERTY SAVED: $189,800 in estimated property saved.

DAMAGE: $10,200 in estimated damage.

CAUSE: Unintentional (mechanical failure, malfunction, other).

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Firefighters arrived on scene to find fire coming from a house. They made an attack and controlled the fire. Crews checked for extension inside the home by opening the ceiling and walls with no fire found. They completed extinguishing fire involving a porch and wooden deck. A resident was using a gas yard tool when it caught fire, catching the porch, wall, and area on fire. There were also thrown breakers and the residents were advised to leave the power off until it could be inspected by an electrician. 43 personnel responded to this incident, including firefighters from Stations 31, 13, 50, 67, 58 and 15.