Apartment Fire in The South Belt / Ellington Area

WHAT: Apartment fire.

WHEN: July 22, 2023, at 8:06 p.m.

WHERE: 9750 Windwater Dr. 77075.

INJURIES: No reported injuries.

PROPERTY SAVED: $40,000 in estimated property saved.

DAMAGE: $20,000 in estimated damage.

CAUSE: Unintentional (cooking).

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Firefighters arrived on scene within seven minutes to find an apartment unit filled with smoke and sprinkler activation. They extinguished a fire from a air fryer and nearby cabinet. The sprinkler was shut off and the apartment was checked for extension, as well as the unit below for water damage. Management was advised of the damage and that a fire watch would be needed until the system could be re-activated. 34 personnel were dispatched to this incident, including crews from Stations 26, 70, 52, 61, 93, 29 and 24.